Having returned from the monasteries of Japan I decided to reintroduce myself to the Zen community of Minnesota by swinging through the
Zen Center of Minneapolis and attend the group meeting called "beginners mind". Coincidently my first meeting back to the group was our Sensei's last meeting hosting the group. I had received an e-mail from someone in the Sangha saying that we should give Ted Tuel something back, something which he gave us.One of the greatest gifts Ted gave me was a Zen Parable. In this parable a man is found hanging on to a vine off the side of a cliff with a tiger waiting above him, and a tiger waiting below. Certain death was to be found in all directions and yet the man notices a strawberry growing off the cliff face and has the juiciest, sweetest, tastiest meal of his entire life.

Thus I painted Ted a strawberry (with the Kanji for Tiger) and told him that Beginners mind was my strawberry, that relaxing moment of bliss which triumphs even the face of death. Although really I now find all things to be just that strawberry. There are incredible treasures to be found in every moment, no matter how perilous, hopeless, or even mundane the situation is and these treasures are in fact the best treasures of them all. All one needs to do is open there eyes, be aware, and enjoy the present moment.
Now we are in the Year 2010, the year of the tiger. With 2012 just around the corner, I say let us make this the sweetest, juiciest, tastiest year of them all!!! Celebrate the new year with a juicy reminder that there is treasure in every moment, or remind someone else that they are your strawberry.
Juicy Zen comes matted to your standard frame sizes and sealed in plastic. $15USD + shipping.
e-mail gilligone@gmail.com for a full catalogue