For my self portrait I wanted to capture the notion that the motion of my breath was who I am and I thus took a continuous synchronized shutter shot of moving my arms with my breath while practicing the healing martial art Qi Gong. I really like how my first image came out looking like an embracing white light which captures my vision that I see all things as a welcoming extension of myself. My second self portrait is an image of myself doing the Qi Gong exercise Tuoa.
My friend Willard Malebear is genuinely genius and just beyond sane. Willard's minds mediums consist of paint, aerosol, a digital playground, ink and human flesh. I came to collaborate with Willard on the night before I had an Illustration for a package of halloween candy due. I had been particularly impressed with some of his recent digital works and asked if he would show me the ropes on digital design and photoshop painting. Willard showed me the Wacom tablet's digital canvas and the cintiq pens digital paint brush and designed a whorror monster with all sorts of ooey, gooey, sticky ickies in and of its mouth. My koala gummy bears had the perfect mascot and I thus slapped on some text and had my package design. I also took a number of pictures around of Willard and his walls and made a digital sculpture of Willard.
Brently is a body which wears the mask of flesh, fur, land, latex, puppet, paint, and passion. The Brentlyshow is a traveling circus where every character acts through multiple faces in an extension of one. Brently is a clown, the taoist fool, always moving but not knowing where. He walks blindfolded by dreams across the tight rope to which he is bound. The fool lives in the ever present newness of now, dying to every minute and being re born in every moment possessing a sense of being unchained to the past or future.

Chris Lyle is my main MCAT majoring in web and multimedia. Chris dapples in light and sound particularly through the use of video and installation work. Chris and I collaborate on projects on a regular basis through painting, drawing, collage, sculpture, performance, ideating, video and really whatever we find inspiring. Chris was working on a documentary project about yoga which was rather convenient as I needed to do a project based on my everyday nature. We were able to create this movie in under a day.
Untitled from Christopher Lyle on Vimeo.
Justice Draconis is a performer of many body arts such as fire spinning, yoga, acroyoga, the lira, spanish web, silks, and plays the Didgeridoo in the metal band Niobium. I met Justice while goofing off doing acrobatics during yoga school at Corepower Yoga. Justice had a phenomenal inversion practice and possessed a wide range of knowledge about body balancing. We thus began to practice and play.

Brandon Wharton to whom I often refer to as "Chawrles" is yoked to the yogic path. Having originally met in highschool, we continued our education through Corepower Yoga. as well as Circus school at Xelias Aerial Arts. We've performed and co-taught Acrobatic Flying Yoga at various venues and have actually recently joined a traveling circus called the Bizarre Bazaar. Brandons portrait is coupled with our Acrobatic friend and circus colleague Stephanie Vilendrer.
Free Acrobatic Flying Yoga @ Moe Bodyworks (3541 Lyndale) 5:30 Saturdays
Various Sized Prints Available.
Contact me at gilligone@gmail.com to inquire about booking the circus!
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