
Playing the game; BlackJack and Dominos

As in life, art is a space of unlimited and often unpredictable possibilities. When one approaches art with open spontaneity and drops the self-conscious analytical mind they allow for the natural rhythms of life to manifest in their work. By allowing the strokes of a brush to dance freely the artist may find an effortless effort which allows for their true self to create itself through the quietude of intuitive knowledge. The allowance required to let go begins with an embrace of the entire life of spirit which far transcends artistic skill into the art of the soul.   The process of discovery is not knowing the outcome but being open to change and seeing new possibilities which require leaving behind preconceptions of form. In essence, one must sense what they did not know they knew. This is the transition from becoming to being, intuition to realization, a trust and receptivity which allows the idea to reveal itself.

To illustrate chance and more specifically to the nature of taking risks I chose to print a sword swallowing Jack.  Taking risks is opening yourself up to change, accepting the possible outcomes and to try. Taking a risk is a practice of faith that demonstrates your trust and willingness to overcome obstacles such as fear of rejection, failure and a need for approval.  Risk taking allows release from the isolating  box of over dependent certainty. A very karmic coincidental occurrence happened during my class critique and that was that our own class magician Patrick Burke had printed an Ace and together we had blackjack.  I hope this piece can encourage you daily, to take a chance.

Singles:$21 Double Composition:$30

For more art on the nature of chance and risks check out this link!!

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